Arabic English Notes
لَوْن(أَلْوان) color
أَبْيَض(بَيْضَاء) white
أَسْوَد(سَوْدَاء) black
أَخْضَر(خَضْرَاء) green
أَحْمَر(حَمْرَاء) red
أَزْرَق(زَرْقَاء) blue
أَصْفَر(صَفْراَء) yellow
وَرْدِيّ pink (synonym 1)
بَمْبِيّ pink (synonym 2)
بُرْتُقَانِيّ orange (color) Nisbah of orange (fruit)
بُنِّيّ brown, coffee-colored Nisbah of coffee beans
أشْقَرُ(شَقْراءُ) blond, light-skinned From "All the Arabic you never learned the first time around". Feminine plural شَقْراوات and masculine plural شُقْرٌ
أسْمَرُ(سَمراءُ) brown-skinned From "All the Arabic you never learned the first time around". Feminine plural سَمْراوات and masculine plural سُمْرٌ. Also referring to the color of baked bread, according to comment on website.
أَغْبَر(غَبْرَاء) dust-colored From WK. "dust-colored; dust-covered, dusty, dingy; roan". Color or defect adjective from the root غ ب ر‎ (ḡ-b-r), "related to being dusty, lagging; tarried; left behind; recrudescent"