Arabic English Notes
Mastering Arabic 1 Unit 13
مَاء water
أَمْس yesterday
خَرَج went out/exited
ذَهَب went
كَتَب wrote
شَرِب drank
أَكَل ate
رَجَع returned/went back
فَتَح opened Similar to diacritic فَتْح • (fatḥ) ("ah" sound, pronounced with open mouth). From the root ف ت ح‎ (f-t-ḥ). Compare Hebrew פָּתַח‎ (patákh).
جَلَس sat down
سَمِع heard Familiar to Muslims from سَمِعَ اللَّهُ لِمَنْ حَمِدَهُ "Allah hears whoever praises Him" (Said when straightening from ruku' in salah)
فَعَل did, made
وَجَد found
لِصّ(لُصوص) thief/robber
سَرِقَة(سَرِقات) theft/robbery
تحْقيق(تَحْقيقات) investigation
خِطاب(خِطابات) letter, address, speech From خَاطَبَ • (ḵāṭaba) III, non-past يُخَاطِبُ‎ (yuḵāṭibu) 1. to address. Same root as khutbah خُطْبَة‎ Friday sermon. Note different root from كَتَبَ "to write"
قَصْر(قُصور) palace Also "large stone building, castle, fortress". From Latin castrum. Compare Classical Syriac ܩܰܨܪܳܐ‎ (“qaṣrā”), Hebrew קְצָרָה‎ (qəṣārâ). Cognate with English "castle"
فِنْجان(فَناجين) cup From Persian پنگان‎ (pengân).
كُولا cola
عَنْ about/concerning
مَعَ with
إلى to/towards
مَلَكِيّ royal
صَبَاح morning
مَسَاء afternoon/evening
مَتى؟ when? Compare مَا‎ (mā, “what?”) and مَن‎ (man, “who?”). Cognate to Hebrew מתי‎ (matai) "when".
مَاذا؟ what? (for verbal sentences) See note on p. 174. Example "ماذا فعل الملك أمس؟" ("What did the king do yesterday?"). Interrogative pronoun. WK: "The simple form ما‎ is used only in nominal sentences, while the extended form ماذا is used in verbal sentences."
أَوّلًا firstly
أَخيرًا finally, recently
بَعْدَ ذٰلِكَ after that
قَبْلَ ذٰلِكَ before that
ثُمَّ then
فَـ... and/and so
مَكْتُوب(مَكَاتِيب) letter, message, something written, destiny Example of a word for "letter" with k-t-b root, to contrast with خِطاب
مَاذَا تُرِيدَ? What would you like? Example use of مَاذَا.
قَبْلَ before Preposition. Root ق ب ل • (q-b-l) related to front or acceptance. See قَبْلُ adverb, "previously, formerly". قَبِلَ verb "to accept, receive; obey, submit". قَبَّلَ verb "to kiss; go south". قِبَلَ preposition "in the presence of; in the direction of". قِبَل noun "power, ability". قُبَل plural of قُبْلَة "kiss; bail, surety". Also قَبْلًا, "previously; beforehand". Also قِبْلَة (qibla), "the direction towards the Kaaba, towards which Muslims pray"
حَدَثَ / يَحْدُثُ to happen, to take place From title of chapter