Arabic | English | Notes |
Assignment Vocabulary | ||
سُؤَال(أَسْئِلَة) | question | Verbal noun of سَأَلَ |
قِصَّة | story, tale, relation | |
مُشْكِل | problem, difficulty | Not in WK |
شَكَلَ | to become doubtful or confused | Also "to hobble (an animal); to vocalize (a text)". For etymology of مُشْكِل |
حَيَاة | life | |
Sahlawayhi 1.4.1 | ||
كاتلاندا | Catalan(?) | From title |
شَابّ | young man, youth, adolescent | |
عربستان | Arabestan, Persian for the Arabian Peninsula | |
الثَلَاثِينَ من عمره | thirty years old | |
من عمره | "years old" | |
عُمْر | age, lifespan | |
عَاشَ / يَعِيشُ | to live, to be alive | |
حُرِّيَّة | freedom, liberty | Same root as "hot"? |
بَعِيدَة | far, remote, distant | |
صَعُبَ / يَصْعُبُ | to be hard, difficult | |
صَعْب | laborious, trying, awkward, difficult, complex | |
أَحْيَانًا | sometimes | Adverbial accusative of أَحْيَان (ʾaḥyān, “times”). Plural of حِين (ḥīn) "time, moment; opportunity" |
حِين | time, moment; opportunity | Added for "sometimes" etymology |
بَلَد | country; town, city; place, community | |
آخِر | last, ultimate, utmost, extreme | |
دَائِمًا | always | |
مُتْعِب | tiring | Derived from the active participle of أَتْعَبَ (ʾatʿaba, “to tire (transitive)”), causative of تَعِبَ (taʿiba, “to be tired”), from the root ت ع ب (t-ʿ-b). |
صَاحِب | friend; owner | "associate, companion, comrade, friend; adherent, follower; (with a following genitive) man, owner, possessor, holder, master, lord, commander, representative, author" |
لِأَنَّ | because | |
لِأَنَّهُ | because he | |
لَطِيف | nice, friendly | |
مُزْدَحِم(مُزْدَحِمَة) | crowded | |
جَوّ | air, atmosphere, weather | |
الصَيْف | summer | |
فَقَطْ | only, no more | |
نَاس | people | |
مَشْغُول | busy, distracted | |
أَبُو | nominative construct of أَب (ʾab, “father”) | |
كبير في السن | aged ("great in years") | |
أَيْضًا | also | |
الأسبوع القادم | next week | |
قَادِم | coming; next (year, month, etc.) | |
إِجَازَة | vacation, leave of absence; permit | From جَازَ (jāza, “to pass”), from ج و ز (j-w-z). Same root as "passport" |
في الإجازة القادمة | in the next vacation | |
اِسْتَطَاعَ (يَسْتَطِيعُ) | to be able to, can | |
رَأَى / يَرَى | to see | |
فَهِمَ / يَفْهَمُ | to understand, learn, observe | |
إِنَّ | indeed; that (following the verb قَالَ (qāla, “to say”)) | |
جَدَّ / يَجِدُّ | to be new; to be serious, earnest | See "very" |
جِدًّا | very; extremely | Adverbial accusative of جِدّ (jidd, “seriousness”), related to the verb جَدَّ (jadda, “to be serious”). |
اِمْرَأَة | woman; wife | |
اَلَّذِي | (relative pronoun) who, that, which | |
اَلَّتِي | fem. sing. of اَلَّذِي | |
طَبْعًا | naturally, of course | |
حَزِين | sad, sorrowful | |
دَرَى / يَدْرِي | to know, to be aware of | |
Sahlawayhi 1.4.2 | ||
جَيِّدات | good (fem pl.) | |
أَزْواج | spouses / husbands | |
لِأَزْواجهنَّ | for their spouses / husbands | |
يَعْلَمْنَهُم | they (women) know them | |
يَحْبِبْنَ | they (fem pl.) like | |
بَعْض | some, several | |
بِنِساء | by women | |
سُعَداء | happy (adj.) | |
سَوْفَ | "will" (added to present verb to express future tense) | |
بَحَثَ/يَبْحَثُ | to look for, seek, search | |
هُنَا | here | |
أَتَى/يَأْتِي | to come, to bring [+ بِ (object)] | Example of "doubly irregular" verb |
مِثْلَ | like, such as | |
تَكُون | she is, you [masc.] are | |
Sahlawayhi 1.4.3 | ||
اِشْتَرَى / يَشْتَرِي | buy | From root ش ر ي (š-r-y). Related to buying (“to obtain for money”) |
سِفَارَة | embassy; mediation | |
تَأْشِيرَة | visa | Instance noun derived from the verbal noun تَأْشِير (taʾšīr) of the verb أَشَّرَ (ʾaššara, “to indicate, record”). Root ش و ر (?) |
بُنَيّ | little son | |
يا بُنَيَّ, يا بُنَيِّ | O little son (irregular vocative) | |
نُقُود | cash, ready money | Plural of نَقْد (cash, money) |
أحَدًا | one; somebody; anybody (accusative) | |
أَعْطَى / يُعْطِي | to give | |
جَوَاز | passport; lawfulness; passage | |
مَطَار | airport | Noun of place from the verb طَارَ (ṭāra, “to fly”), from the root ط ي ر (ṭ-y-r). |
أَرْسَلَ / يُرْسِلُ | send, dispatch | Cf رَسُول "messenger; prophet" |
رِسَالَة | message, letter | |
سَأَلَ / يَسْأَلُ | to ask | |
بِسُرْعَة | quickly; faster | بـ (bi-, “by”) + سرعة (surʿa, “speed”) |
آخَر | another, one more, other | "Elative adjective of the form أَفْعَل (ʾafʿal), from the root ء خ ر (ʾ-ḵ-r). The sequence *ʾaʾ in *أَأْخَر (*ʾaʾḵar) and *أَأْخَرُون (*ʾaʾḵarūn) changed to ʾā by compensatory lengthening." Same root but distinct from آخِر • (ʾāḵir) "last, ultimate" |
سَبَب (أَسْبَاب) | cause; reason; alibi; rope | From the root س ب ب (s-b-b) "related to causing or blaming" |
نَفْس | self, same | |
نَفْسُهُ | himself | |
نَفْسُ ٱلشَّيْءِ | the same thing | alif carrying the waṣla sign (ٱ) indicates liaison with the preceding word and means that the hamza is suppressed. It is more commonly indicated by a regular alif without a hamza (ا) للسبب نفسه |
للسبب نفسه | for the same reason | |
وَصَلَ / يَصِلُ | to arrive (to reach some place) | |
تصل | she arrived (e.g. airplane) | |
بَعِيد (بَعِيدَة) | far, remote, distant | Same root as "after", ب ع د • (b-ʿ-d) "relating to distance or separation" |
سَيَّارَة أُجْرَة | taxi | Synonym تَكْسِي |
أُجْرَة | rent, wages | |
وَقَفَ / يَقِفُ | to come to a stop | |
نَزَلَ / يَنْزِلُ | to descend, alight; to stay, dwell | |
نَامَ / يَنَامُ | to sleep | Form I. "to sleep; to go to bed; to go to sleep; to abate, to subside, to let up, to calm down; to be inactive, to be listless; to be numb; to neglect, to omit, to overlook; to forget; to be reassured, to accept, to assent, to acquiesce; to trust, to have confidence in". From the root ن و م (n-w-m) "forms words relating to sleep". Note مُنَوِّم "soporific; hypnotic; numbing". |