Arabic English Notes
Assignment Vocabulary
سُؤَال(أَسْئِلَة) question Verbal noun of سَأَلَ
قِصَّة story, tale, relation
مُشْكِل problem, difficulty Not in WK
شَكَلَ to become doubtful or confused Also "to hobble (an animal); to vocalize (a text)". For etymology of مُشْكِل
حَيَاة life
Sahlawayhi 1.4.1
كاتلاندا Catalan(?) From title
شَابّ young man, youth, adolescent
عربستان Arabestan, Persian for the Arabian Peninsula
الثَلَاثِينَ من عمره thirty years old
من عمره "years old"
عُمْر age, lifespan
عَاشَ / يَعِيشُ to live, to be alive
حُرِّيَّة freedom, liberty Same root as "hot"?
بَعِيدَة far, remote, distant
صَعُبَ / يَصْعُبُ to be hard, difficult
صَعْب laborious, trying, awkward, difficult, complex
أَحْيَانًا sometimes Adverbial accusative of أَحْيَان‎ (ʾaḥyān, “times”). Plural of حِين‎ (ḥīn) "time, moment; opportunity"
حِين time, moment; opportunity Added for "sometimes" etymology
بَلَد country; town, city; place, community
آخِر last, ultimate, utmost, extreme
دَائِمًا always
مُتْعِب tiring Derived from the active participle of أَتْعَبَ‎ (ʾatʿaba, “to tire (transitive)”), causative of تَعِبَ‎ (taʿiba, “to be tired”), from the root ت ع ب‎ (t-ʿ-b).
صَاحِب friend; owner "associate, companion, comrade, friend; adherent, follower; (with a following genitive) man, owner, possessor, holder, master, lord, commander, representative, author"
لِأَنَّ because
لِأَنَّهُ because he
لَطِيف nice, friendly
مُزْدَحِم(مُزْدَحِمَة) crowded
جَوّ air, atmosphere, weather
الصَيْف summer
فَقَطْ only, no more
نَاس people
مَشْغُول busy, distracted
أَبُو nominative construct of أَب‎ (ʾab, “father”)
كبير في السن aged ("great in years")
أَيْضًا also
الأسبوع القادم next week
قَادِم coming; next (year, month, etc.)
إِجَازَة vacation, leave of absence; permit From جَازَ‎ (jāza, “to pass”), from ج و ز‎ (j-w-z). Same root as "passport"
في الإجازة القادمة in the next vacation
اِسْتَطَاعَ (يَسْتَطِيعُ) to be able to, can
رَأَى / يَرَى to see
فَهِمَ / يَفْهَمُ to understand, learn, observe
إِنَّ indeed; that (following the verb قَالَ‎ (qāla, “to say”))
جَدَّ / يَجِدُّ to be new; to be serious, earnest See "very"
جِدًّا very; extremely Adverbial accusative of جِدّ‎ (jidd, “seriousness”), related to the verb جَدَّ‎ (jadda, “to be serious”).
اِمْرَأَة woman; wife
اَلَّذِي (relative pronoun) who, that, which
اَلَّتِي fem. sing. of اَلَّذِي
طَبْعًا naturally, of course
حَزِين sad, sorrowful
دَرَى / يَدْرِي to know, to be aware of
Sahlawayhi 1.4.2
جَيِّدات good (fem pl.)
أَزْواج spouses / husbands
لِأَزْواجهنَّ for their spouses / husbands
يَعْلَمْنَهُم they (women) know them
يَحْبِبْنَ they (fem pl.) like
بَعْض some, several
بِنِساء by women
سُعَداء happy (adj.)
سَوْفَ "will" (added to present verb to express future tense)
بَحَثَ/يَبْحَثُ to look for, seek, search
هُنَا here
أَتَى/يَأْتِي to come, to bring [+ بِ‎ (object)] Example of "doubly irregular" verb
مِثْلَ like, such as
تَكُون she is, you [masc.] are
Sahlawayhi 1.4.3
اِشْتَرَى / يَشْتَرِي buy From root ش ر ي‎ (š-r-y). Related to buying (“to obtain for money”)
سِفَارَة embassy; mediation
تَأْشِيرَة visa Instance noun derived from the verbal noun تَأْشِير‎ (taʾšīr) of the verb أَشَّرَ‎ (ʾaššara, “to indicate, record”). Root ش و ر (?)
بُنَيّ little son
يا بُنَيَّ, يا بُنَيِّ O little son (irregular vocative)
نُقُود cash, ready money Plural of نَقْد (cash, money)
أحَدًا one; somebody; anybody (accusative)
أَعْطَى / يُعْطِي to give
جَوَاز passport; lawfulness; passage
مَطَار airport Noun of place from the verb طَارَ‎ (ṭāra, “to fly”), from the root ط ي ر‎ (ṭ-y-r).
أَرْسَلَ / يُرْسِلُ send, dispatch Cf رَسُول "messenger; prophet"
رِسَالَة message, letter
سَأَلَ / يَسْأَلُ to ask
بِسُرْعَة quickly; faster بـ‎ (bi-, “by”) + سرعة‎ (surʿa, “speed”)
آخَر another, one more, other "Elative adjective of the form أَفْعَل (ʾafʿal), from the root ء خ ر‎ (ʾ-ḵ-r). The sequence *ʾaʾ in *أَأْخَر (*ʾaʾḵar) and *أَأْخَرُون (*ʾaʾḵarūn) changed to ʾā by compensatory lengthening." Same root but distinct from آخِر • (ʾāḵir) "last, ultimate"
سَبَب (أَسْبَاب) cause; reason; alibi; rope From the root س ب ب‎ (s-b-b) "related to causing or blaming"
نَفْس self, same
نَفْسُهُ himself
نَفْسُ ٱلشَّيْءِ the same thing alif carrying the waṣla sign (ٱ) indicates liaison with the preceding word and means that the hamza is suppressed. It is more commonly indicated by a regular alif without a hamza (ا‎) للسبب نفسه
للسبب نفسه for the same reason
وَصَلَ / يَصِلُ to arrive (to reach some place)
تصل she arrived (e.g. airplane)
بَعِيد (بَعِيدَة) far, remote, distant Same root as "after", ب ع د • (b-ʿ-d) "relating to distance or separation"
سَيَّارَة أُجْرَة taxi Synonym تَكْسِي
أُجْرَة rent, wages
وَقَفَ / يَقِفُ to come to a stop
نَزَلَ / يَنْزِلُ to descend, alight; to stay, dwell
نَامَ / يَنَامُ to sleep Form I. "to sleep; to go to bed; to go to sleep; to abate, to subside, to let up, to calm down; to be inactive, to be listless; to be numb; to neglect, to omit, to overlook; to forget; to be reassured, to accept, to assent, to acquiesce; to trust, to have confidence in". From the root ن و م‎ (n-w-m) "forms words relating to sleep". Note مُنَوِّم "soporific; hypnotic; numbing".